Perks of Being a Single Child
By AbhiramUncategorized
Perks of Being a Single Child
“So, what if I still love toys?”, I cried while my mother dragged me from the window of the newly opened toy shop.
“You’re a 26-year-old guy and it is disgusting to see you swooning over a kids’ toy”, she lashed at me.
Yes, it is true, I am a 26-year-old regular guy and like everyone else I got a great family, amazing friends and lot of life to explore, yet there’s always something my heart aches for.
There are lots of perks for being the only child to your parents and believe me when I say your every wish is granted even before it comes out of your lips. You’re the sole owner to those bundles of chocolates and candies lying in the fridge. The whole kingdom is yours to rule as you like and the love you get from your parents, well there is none to compete for it and the best part, it never stops.
But then why do I feel empty? What do I crave for? What isn’t perfect in my so perfect life? Why does my home feel silence?
Over the years I buried myself in toys, games, movies, gadgets or anything that could distract me from that haunting loneliness. Wherever my mind strolled, the haunting followed. Only solace I could find was in toys playing imaginary games with imaginary people or when surrounded by people other than my parents. The biggest perk of being a single child is its biggest bane- loneliness.
Makes you feel afraid of your own thoughts and dreams. A preoccupied mind is the safest company of all for it is not the fear of others but the fear of my own thoughts on wherever they may take me.
The perks of being a single child you ask, well my friend, the only perk is that it makes you aware of the power of mind over the body- your own late night horror story.