Missed Calls

Missed Calls
By Uncategorized
Apr 03

Missed Calls

When was the last time you missed the call from your most favourite person? 

And then waited for them to pick yours? 

I know, this is the new expression of ‘annoyance’, ‘complain’ and ‘upsetness’. Sometimes, we are right there with our phones but we choose to not pick the calls because we are either busy or tired or not in a mood or napping perhaps and we return the call reluctantly at our own whims. Well, it doesn’t bother in most cases but it becomes a reason to fight , argue and lots of friction and then we practically waste our days reforming the same space. 

I think we all seek proof of love every now and then and we really put our partners on a judgment scale where we keep evaluating them , marking them and holding them responsible for our own frustrations we carry about them or the relationship. And then, the scene changes, when you realise the very uncertainty of one’s own existence and the relationships by the very virtue of the mortal reminders thrown at us. This Pandemic, I hope allows you an awakening to not to ignore calls from your loved ones, to allow yourself to be available for your family and friends , to express your love and care regardless of the past tiffs, differences because life has never been this form of chaos which seems indefinite and scary for all us. 

Clear your missed calls log and unread messages . 

Express the love you have, be grateful, be the first one to say ‘I Love You’