Human Connection
So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up,unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them – Sylvia Plath
It is never too late to start, to start a day , an assignment, a relation or a new venture. We are composites of stories; the good, the bad, the ugly, the heart breaking, the successful and also failure stories. Sometimes we are not sure which chapter we are writing in the stipulated time we have been allotted in the pretty mortal world. Sometimes we confuse ourselves to be the hero but we are just the side character trying to find meaning to one’s existence and perhaps preparing ourselves to be the main lead. Not all stories are success, and not all stories are failure. But definitely they are the stories worthy of words and much galore.
There is always a story behind what you were then, and what you have become now or rather what you are becoming. We are keen to know you, know your stories that make you who you are; remarkably significant to us. We grow a tiny bit each day as we slog through our routines and responsibilities. In an endeavour to appreciate life, the struggles , the journeys we wish to bring to you “ Human Connections”.
Are we reducing ourselves to be the cast made of flesh and blood? Do we find ourselves syncing to our own emotions ? Or we are failing miserably to tap the layers beneath the coloured masked skin?
We thrive on competitions, comparisons, losses, vengeance, don’t we? Are we solely hunting for the basic needs satiation and not really venturing into the unknown territory of complicated emotions, relations and bonds? Are we starving ourselves from the real human connection ? Are we oiling our machinery or greasing the dormant relational experiences ?
Why do we want to find the extraordinary in the ordinary ? Why can not ordinary stay ordinary and still hold the capacity to be celebrated ? We often push ourselves way too much to match up to the pace ; the pace the society decides. What is that pace? How does it look? Why is it so important?
Exhaustion !!
Trust your instincts & hard work you put yourself through to make the living breathable , better and at peace. The moments of joy may not be designed through the longitudinal goals and accomplishments you are expected to acquire but may be in those silent interactions, teary conversations, once lived memories and pains you went through to give your stories words and expressions.
Allow us, at Daffodils, to be the listener to you & your stories.